#BEDM Day 20: The 38-hour Roadtrip

Today’s topic is from the Found Love Now What blog – Have you ever been on a road trip? Where did you go? If not, where would you like to take one to?


I love road trips. I like driving long distance. The last road trip I took was in 2013. It was a spur of the moment trip. I stumbled upon an amazing resort with room rates slashed 50% and that’s when I knew where I’d be heading for my next road trip.

On the day of my trip, I was up at 5am because I intended to start my journey before 6am, ideally at 530am. I didn’t quite sleep. Which is normal for me. Rather, I took multiple naps throughout the night. So, when my alarm finally rang at 5am, I was sure my eyes were bloodshot.  Naturally, after rolling around in bed, had my coffee, went to the bathroom, etc…I only left at 550am. Not too bad. But 530am would’ve been better.

A friend who was concerned about me driving across the country suggested I update my Facebook status every chance I could during the trip so she could make sure I was safe and sound. I did and every time my phone pinged when someone commented, I felt like I wasn’t alone on the journey!

I admit, I did get lost for a little bit. I generally didn’t mind getting lost provided I had a full tank of gas. I suppose my wonderful GPS decided to take me through the scenic route. Also, I programmed it to the town the resort was in and not the exact co-ordinates of the resort which was what I should’ve done in the first place.

Finally, after more than 8 hours of driving over a distance of 500 kilometres (I took many, many stops), I arrived and was shown to my villa. An entire house which was a 100 years old, all to myself. It was beautiful and the hours of driving totally made up for it.

I spent 20 hours at the resort, then the next day, checked out and drove 500 kilometres home. All within 38 hours.
