eXotic Malaysian Facts

This post is part of the A to Z Challenge. Each post will be associated with a letter of the alphabet with the theme ‘Malaysiana


Three eXotic facts about Malaysia you might find interesting (or not) :

#1. We call our elders uncle or auntie – Being called uncle or auntie by someone who is younger than you are but not someone you’re related to, is how we show respect to our elders. When I was younger, folks I interacted with at the grocery store or post office, would call me Kak (sister). This is also a form of respect. However, in recent years, no one has called me Kak and instead, I’m now auntie 😦

#2. All Malaysians have an identity card (IC) – It’s a rite of passage that every 12 year old get their identity card (IC). Each IC has a unique identifying number (like a social security number), full name, photo, current residential address and gender (in case you can’t tell from the picture, I suppose). The IC also comes with a chip. Our IC is more important than our driver’s licence, we need it to open bank accounts, apply for a passport and most government transactions. There’s been a rumour that information from our driver’s licence would be merged with our IC so that we wouldn’t have to carry both photo IDs. So far, it’s remained that – a rumour.


#3. Where’s the pork? If you visit Malaysia and decide to go grocery shopping, be prepared to not find pork in the meat section. That’s because in our supermarkets, there is a non-halal section, which is normally somewhere in the back of the store and this is where all the pork, pork products and products without the halal certification, is secreted away. This section would also have their own cash register, so you pay for your non-halal products there before you pay for the rest of your groceries at the regular cash registers before exiting. Alcohol is also found in this section.

5 thoughts on “eXotic Malaysian Facts

  1. With the IC do you have any problems with illegal entrants trying to live in Malaysia? Is it required for voting? I have mixed feelings about this sort of identity card. It is a practical solution.

    I prefer the way our supermarket is. We have the pork products right there with all the other meats and alcohol in an aisle of its own and everything gets paid for at the front cash registers. I don’t buy too much alcohol though we usually have some kind of pork at least once a week.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    Liked by 1 person

    • Excellent points Arlee. Yes, even with an IC, there are still issues with illegal immigrants because the IC can be counterfeited. And yes, it’s required for voting.

      I was in New Zealand recently and it was so pleasant to find pork where all the meats are instead of in a corner of the supermarket! If you’re an expat in Malaysia, this would take some getting used to 🙂


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