Very Short Stories Anthology #vss365a

It’s been a rare and happy week of acceptances. Acceptances for stories that I’ve written, that is.

Early this week, it was news that my July 50-Word Story was accepted for publication.

Early this morning, I learnt that not one, but two (!!!!!) of my Very Short Stories, were accepted and will be included in the Very Short Stories (VSS365) Anthology 2019.

My VSS which were accepted were for the prompts mood (June 23) and liberty (July 4). Though I sent two entries for the mood prompt, I think I know which one was chosen. I only sent one entry for the liberty prompt so there’s no wondering which one will be included.

Joining the #vss365 community has been nothing but good for my writing. Though, it’s just 280 characters daily (almost, I missed 2 days this week), whatever I wrote, is potentially a kernel of a story that I can expand for a much larger piece, which I’ve already done. Needless to say, continuing to do the prompts each day is something I look forward to.

As I get more news regarding the anthology, I’ll write an update post.

It’s been a good week.

9 thoughts on “Very Short Stories Anthology #vss365a

  1. I know I’ve already congratulated you on vss365 but congrats on your 50-word story acceptance too! This would be the third story you’ve had accepted by them, right? That’s awesome! 🙂

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